Sunday, April 27, 2008


Greg and I went to a gathering with friends in the neighborhood last night. Something one of the female guests said to me hit home. She told me she gets her hair highlighted a couple of times a year. She would do it more, but she doesn't want to sit in the salon chair for three hours. She'd rather spend that time doing something else.

That got me thinking...WHY DO WE DO THESE THINGS? Obviously to look better and feel good. Truth is, I get my blonde hair highlighted every six weeks. 2 1/2 hours of sitting in a salon chair every six weeks. That's 5 hours every three months. Or 20 hours of sitting still A YEAR!

The things we do as women.

Wax my eyebrows? Have, but too painful, so now I pluck. Botox? Never, don't know what's in it. Body wraps that promise you'll lose inches overnight? Alright, I caved on this one. Still had a muffin top on the beach that year.

My friend's comment got me thinking that I could be spending my time more wisely.

I'll give it some thought. In the meantime, I'm late for a manicure.