Thursday, December 11, 2008

Not Really My Thing

What's your take on holidays decorations on vehicles?

My sister recently sent me a photo text of the car in front of her while she was driving. It displayed a wreath on the back of it. Let's just say she's not a fan.

To each his own.

After thinking about it, I'm probably not in any hurry to buy a wreath for the grill of my car, either. Heck, I barely get a wreath hung on our front door. I don't know why I've never gone the vehicular route. Something about it just seems odd to me.

Kinda like seeing a woman out in public with rollers still in her hair, or a man wearing pajama pants at the grocery. It just has a "doesn't belong" look, in my opinion.

Now, I DO like seeing a freshly cut Christmas tree tied down on top of the family car, but only because it is en route. It's heading to a home to be put up and decorated.

But, hey, my son dips his green beans in his applesauce, so we all have our "thing."

In fact, I've got a list of 'em.

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