Wednesday, October 21, 2009

laughing in the checkout line

Stopped by the grocery today to buy a few things for Griff's Fall party.

In front of me at the checkout was an older lady, with gray hair, reddish cracked lips and a purse slung over her wrist. She was hunched over and moved her frail body with careful steps and I noticed she struggled to lift the two gallons of milk back into her cart. She reminded me of someone's grandmother, not exactly mine, but someone's, and she seemed so sweet and timid.

Offering to help, I lifted the containers for her and placed them in her basket. She smiled back, as the clerk handed her a receipt with a coupon, stating she could use it the next time she buys a Hallmark card.

Not that she'd be redeeming the coupon anytime soon.

The lady shot back, 'I'm not buying a Hallmark. They want too damn much money!'

And with that, she gave her cart a shove and walked away. Ok, so I was wrong about the timid thing.


Aubrey said...

Don't you just love it when you think you have someone all figured out and then they do something like that. Maybe she hadn't taken her "happy" pill today.

Anonymous said...

Are you sure it wasn't Grandma Evy? :)