Thursday, September 18, 2008

Oops...You Don't Say?

A flat tire.

I had one yesterday, and talk about an inconvenience.

You know the drill, you take your car to the tire shop, and wait for what seems like forever in a room with 4 other people who are just as anxious to get out of there. Most of us stared at each other until I couldn't take it anymore.

So, I read the paper.

I surfed the net on my phone, and "Googled" a couple of things. "What to do When You're Bored at a Tire Shop" should have been one of them.

I tried to read the tattoo on the arm of the guy seated to my right. No luck.

I drank my Starbucks and wished I'd gotten the larger size when I realized it was empty.

Next, I began calling people to pass the time.

After an hour, I was about to stand up and ask if my car was ready, when the manager approached me. He asked which car was mine. I told him. He then told me they had called my name twice over 35 minutes ago.


I had been so busy chatting on my phone to kill time that I missed it.



Melissa said...

You never cease to make me laugh!

camiropa said...

I wandered over here from Zeebabee... oh my gosh you're hysterical! Can't wait to keep reading- you're my kinda gal!