Saturday, October 4, 2008

What is THAT?

I just stuck my foot in my mouth.

Greg is always teasing me because I have, not even once, vacuumed the floors in this house. No, your eyes aren't going bad. But, hey, I do many other things. Just not floors.

I should also say that Greg vacuums so often, I don't get to. So, cleaning the floors is his "thing." I clean toilets. (I think I'd rather clean floors.)

At any rate, I came downstairs and noticed a strange looking device in our kitchen. Never seen it before. I asked Greg, "Is that a new kind of carpet steamer that we rented?

"Nooooooooo," he responded.

"That would be our VACUUM."



Dawn said...

NICE! Thank goodness you have Greg...huh. See, McDreamy would hire a maid and you would not even have to see that thing in your house. :)

Marsha Loftis said...

it's a cute vacuum. My husband has probably only vacuumed a hand full of times in 23 years. Oh well, he does other things. :)