Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Feeling Manly and Clumsy

I'm wearing men's deodorant today.

I figured I would just go ahead and get it out there. I ran out, and had to borrow my husband's, which is nowhere close to smelling girly. Nothing like a mixture of perfume and sport-scented anti-perspirant, though I guess it's better than the alternative.

Leaving my house this morning for work, I drove my car directly into our recycle bin that Greg had so diligently placed at the curb to be picked up today. It knocked over, and out spilled a week's worth of reusable items, like empty milk cartons and water bottles. Sorry to the neighbors for the loud noise that I'm sure woke you when you should have been dreaming of that island vacation or winning the lotto.

Not a great start to the day, but I'm sure it will get better.

After all, I'm off to Starbucks, where I've become quite the fan of their apple-bran muffins. Much to my husband's dismay, since it only adds to my bill.

Happy Bump day.

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