Friday, January 8, 2010

paula says she's game

Paula Deen joins us on the show Monday morning.

Jim is a longtime fan, and can hardly contain himself. Stay tuned, as Paula has promised to play the Um game, where she must talk about a topic we give her for 30 seconds without saying Um, Uhhhh, or any long pauses. It's harder than you think.

How do you think she'll do?

We really don't care, we just wanna hear her talk. Love her accent. And she could make us biscuits and gravy ANY day.


holly said...

Love her! Ate at her restraunt in Savannah GA and it was wonderful! I also just ordred a kitchen table from her Universal Home line collection of furniture...Oh, and I think that she'll say you'all instead of umm or uhhh!

Moxie Momma said...

Hey! I'm from Savannah. Glad you got to meet Paula...but we don't all talk like that. Just sayin'.