Thursday, March 18, 2010

who needs toys r us?

My 5-year-old stopped by work today.

He hung with me for a few, but not before leaving with a bag full of stuff. Stuff could easily be swapped with the word junk, but hey that's not important.

This is what happens when my kids visit the radio station. My co-hosts see it as an opportunity to clean out their desks, leaving a little boy very happy and feeling oh-so-special. I mean, wouldn't you feel VIP-ish if you acquired the following items...for free?

A Nascar magnet

Water thermos

Pepper shaker


Hockey pucks

8 notepads

Guitar picks

2 peppermints

Mini plastic football

And a picture frame

It was better than any visit to a candy store, and Hayden shouted, 'That was awesome!' as he waved goodbye.

Now that stuff is scattered across my living room floor.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At least it wasn't a Jim Denny bobble head!!! Guitar picks....I am sure some interesting country artist left them at the station, right?