Tuesday, May 13, 2008


If only I'd known then what I know now. I've caught myself saying that many times over the years. It's only natural. We are much wiser in our mature years, and learning as we grow.

Kimberly-Williams Paisley, wife of country star Brad Paisley, was asked to contribute to a new book titled,"What I Know Now: Letters to my Younger Self." Each of the celebrities included in the book write letters to themselves in their younger years, now knowing how their life turned out. One thing that stayed with Kimberly is "being treated as a dork will color who you are forever."

I got to thinking. What would MY letter say?

Dear Deb...

Don't worry so much.

About tornados, about that terrible boyish-looking haircut you received as a teen the same week you got braces, and don't care so much what other people think. Your stutter will soon disappear, and you will surprise yourself with the career you choose. Realize that your closest friends will always be your two sisters. Know that your parents strict curfew and monitoring of your activities will turn you into a responsible adult, and eventually, a good parent. Get over that high school relationship, for one day, you will take separate paths, for the better. Spend more time with your grandparents before they are gone. Finally, remember that life is short. You are not guaranteed any tomorrows. Something that happens in your mid 30's will remind you of this very important fact.

What would YOUR letter say?