Saturday, May 24, 2008


A food diary?

That's what Carrie Underwood says she carries with her, using it to jot down every morsel of food she puts in her mouth. She says it helps her keep track of what she eats, and serves as a reminder to make healthy eating choices.

No wonder she can wear barely-there outfits like the one at this week's American Idol finale that played peek-a-boo with the front row. (I'm not envious or anything.)

I got to thinking, what would my food diary say? Let's take today, for example.

Breakfast...1 1/2 donuts and the tallest non-fat white mocha I could get from Starbucks.

Mid-morning...3 bites of cookie dough I didn't finish from baking two nights ago. It's been wrapped up in foil in the fridge and CALLING my name.

Lunch...Some strawberries, half of a ham sandwich with mayo, and a glass of orange juice. Do I have to count the handful of peanuts I munched on while making that?

Two hours later...a sweet tea (hold the lemon!) from McCallisters.

Mid-afternoon...Several Cheez-Its. In fact, I'm munching on them now as I type this, which means now I need to clean the keyboard.

Wow, what an unhealthy day. Maybe this food diary thing isn't such a bad idea.

In the meantime, what's for dinner?

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