Tuesday, August 10, 2010

kindergarten and cologne?

My youngest is now officially in kindergarten.

It's been a few weeks of non-stop questions leading up to this morning, as in 'Where will I eat lunch,' and 'What do I do if someone punches me on the bus?' You know, typical questions out of the mouths of 5-year-olds, who had a game plan should anyone mess with him on the entire ten minute bus ride.

I pity the person who even tries.

So, today was exciting for him, emotional for me. I took the day off work to capture Hayden's big-boy status on film, then came home and collected my thoughts once the bus was the size of a mere twinkie in the distance.

Here's what I learned this morning as we prepared for Hayden's first day of school:

He has clear ideas of what his hair should like. 'Not like that, Mom...like this. I want my bangs moussed up.'

He has mastered the slide-open waistband on his shorts. Here I've been doing it for him.

His teacher will get an earful about his new skater shoes, complete with skullheads. Not my choice, but the kid has an older brother. You pick your battles.

His request to wear 'manspray' threw me off guard. It was quickly denied.

He felt cool sporting his new backpack, but didn't dig the fact that it was empty, having taken his school supplies to the ice cream social the day before. So, he stuffed it with paper towels.

My worries quickly disappeared when he turned from our driveway to walk to the bus stop, announcing, 'This is gonna be awesome

It sure is.


mamaw said...

Aw!! So sweet!! Glad he and Griffin had a good day.

Aubrey said...

Stuffing his backpack with paper towel is so priceless. Sounds like you have a little comedian on your hands.