Tuesday, August 17, 2010

life's little nuggets

The dishwasher being emptied before I can get to it.

My husband singing 'The Shower Song,' with our youngest as he dries him off.

Milkshakes on a late summer night.

Finding my favorite shampoo on sale.

Starbucks treat receipts, which allow me to come back in the same day for a 2-dollar drink.

People magazine and the kids are asleep. Oh, and Greg's in the tub.

The kids eating their veggies before the usual reminders.

Seeing one of the boys hold a public door open for someone else.

1 comment:

kelsihatheway said...

Griff helped me unload the dishwasher once and said, "This is fun!" If you ever need help, you know who to ask :)
